Everything You Need-to-Know About Algae and Your Swimming Pool

The Pool Algae Blog Post Catalogue
When you think of algae, images of green sludge like build-up probably come to mind. So, it may come as a surprise when candyfloss pink coloured residue starts appearing in your water. Ok, technically this isn’t algae and the name is slightly misleading, but this genus methylobacterium reaction is pink.
Either way, it’s easy to remove with the right pool chemicals and a healthy dose of elbow grease. Learn exactly what it is and how to treat it here.How to Deal with Black Algae in Your Swimming Pool
Black algae is one of the hardest forms to remove, but it’s not impossible. Take a look at this blog post to learn what black algae is, how to prevent it and how to treat it once it’s established.How to Clean the Bottom of a Pool
How do you clean a pool? By adding chemicals to the water or by draining it completely and scrubbing it. This blog post will let you in on the tricks of the trade, explaining what the sediment ‘dirt’ is that builds up at the bottom and how you can fight it with one clever chemical.
A Guide to Algae - What is it? How Can I Beat it?
Not sure which pool algae you have or how it differs from the other kinds? Here we describe the major strains, so whether you have a green swimming pool or black dirty looking stains, you can identify what it is and how to remove it.How to Calculate the Chemicals Required in Your Pool